Deadbeats - Benediction US
Progress - 12/12 HM ICC
Who are we?
Deadbeats is a very large WoW Gaming Community with its roots dating all the way back to Vanilla Wrath. We currently run 2 Raid Teams on Benediction Alliance. Our leadership group and the majority of our members have years of raiding experience on private servers, classic and retail.
Raid Days:
Red Team (12/12 HM ICC) - Tues/Weds 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Purple Team (11/12 HM ICC) - Weds/Thurs 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Recruitment Needs
Red Team - Open - Resto Druid w/ Boom OS
Purple Team - Closed
- Exceptional candidates should always apply regardless of what the recruitment needs are.
What we need from YOU:
- Be mature and have a positive attitude
- Play your class and perform your role at a very high level
- 90% attendance (Very Important)
- Be able to take/give constructive criticism
- Full Consumes are REQUIRED
Loot System:
- Loot Council w/ TMB
Got Questions? Ask Us on Discord!:
- itsleedb
- somegirlkatie
Lii#0274 Somegirlkatie#6969 or Fill out an app in the Discord
This data is based on Deadbeats's recent reports.
Deadbeats 길드는 현재 인원을 모집하고 있지 않습니다.
레이드, PvP, 던전, 소셜
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