Ominous Latin Name (OLN) is a group of players that began playing together on a variety of private servers over the last few years. Our core consists of veteran WOTLK players with a wealth of knowledge and playtime in WOTLK content.
OLN enjoys clearing content in a quick and efficient manner pursuing all manner of achievements and records in content.
OLN strives to have our raiding environment be quick, clean, and drama free. Raiders show up to work as a team of capable, effective adults. We have no tolerance for toxicity.
We will continue clearing all WOTLK-related content as a core group adding this server to our history!
Reach out to Chad#1268 on Discord for more info.
Chad#1268 (Discord)
Ominous Latin Name - High Ego Grey Parsers plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
수 | 01:00 | 3 hours |
금 | 01:00 | 3 hours |
Ominous Latin Name - High Ego Grey Parsers 길드는 현재 인원 모집 중입니다!
레이드, PvP, 소셜, 던전
Ominous Latin Name - High Ego Grey Parsers 에서는 어떤 활동을 위한 인원을 모집하고 있습니까?
Ominous Latin Name - High Ego Grey Parsers 에서는 어떤 언어를 주로 사용합니까?