We put in work and try to get #1 progress in every tier. In between, we have fun blasting shit.
Realm First Obsidian Slayer
#2 Whitemane Tier 8 Overall
#1 Whitemane Tier 7 Overall
#2 Whitemane Sunwell
#1 Horde Benediction T5 and T6
Progression-Oriented / Split Raiding.
We're looking for highly competitive players who want a hardcore environment.
We're Transparent. Loot Council has a spreadsheet that shows you how we do things and the class priority of who will likely get the next item.
We welcome any potential recruit to sit in and listen to the guild before joining. We want you to want to be here.
We expect as close to 100% attendance as possible with full gems/enchants/consumes. This is a non-starter, If you can't commit to that we aren't the guild for you.
Tech has 2 raid teams.
Team Tech goes Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday from 5:30 to 9:30 server
Team Tech-w goes Wednesday and Thursdays from 6:30-11 server.
Always looking for exceptional players regardless of the current recruiting status.
Apply in the discord at the following link.
You can app thru our discord at https://discord.gg/bNN8UDPMS6
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