Welcome to the home of the gang!
Quick backstory on us: We were part of a larger group of friends on Thekal who started classic with the wotlk fresh servers. We had a blast leveling and playing through Naxx and early Ulduar. As time went on more and more people dropped off which led to the eventual disband of the previous guild. Those of us who still wanted to play stuck together and teamed up with a second group from another disbanding guild. Together we created and the Gang and rode out the last few weeks before Thekals demise. Since then we've been recruiting a bunch more players and have found a new home here on Earthshaker. We're excited about pushing ourselves in ICC and what lies beyond!
So what are our goals and what do we expect of the people playing with us? Many of us have been playing WoW for a very long time and for some of us it's part of who we are. Classic is where we can chill out and have some fun together with banter, jokes and memes. So our goal is simply put to rapidly clear new content and constantly having fun. A lot of us like to push our limits and see how well we can parse while understanding that it is a team game where everyone does what they're supposed to down the boss.
So for anyone wanting to join us we hope you share our values. We want people who can join in on the banter and the jokes while keeping a high level of play. We want you to be able to focus up when needed and to do what you're assigned to do. And since our goal is to clear the content as quickly as possible, we also spend the extra raid day on the PTR when it is available. And when the raid is on farm, we always host a voluntary alt raid on the extra day.
Loot: We currently use a loot council whos goal is to maximise our raid performance. Without being a completely exhaustive list, here are some of the key metrics they look at:
Bullet point requirements for the tl;dr people:
Raid times are as follows:
Currently looking for:
Easiest is to go to the discord and contact an officer.
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